Submitted by Amith Chakrapani on

ICC to allow teams to field only nine players should Covid strike during the Women’s World Cup

24 Feb, 2022
ICC to allow teams to field only nine players should Covid strike during the Women’s World Cup
24 Feb, 2022 By Editor

In a bizarre development, ICC has come up with a proposition for the continuity of the Women’s World Cup in case Covid rears its ugly head again. The proposal suggests that the tournament may go forth with nine players if need be.

Chris Tetley, ICC’s head of events announced that the revised playing conditions would allow a team to field a reduced squad of nine players if they are impacted by Covid. The remaining players can be used as substitutes from the coaching and the management staff.

“If it becomes necessary we would allow a team to field nine players as an exception for this environment. And if they had female substitutes from within their management team, we would allow two substitutes to play - non-batting, non-bowling - to enable a game to take place," Tetley said.

Teams have also been permitted to bring an additional 3 members who can be shuffled in and out of the squad if any member of the team contracts the virus.

Tetley also added that the rescheduling of the games is also an option but that would simply be the last resort considering the logistical restraints.

“We'll be asking teams to show maximum flexibility and we'll be as flexible as possible if the need arises to fulfill our objective, which is to get the games on,” he added.

New Zealand is currently seeing a steep rise in Covid cases as the Omicron variant has been disseminating its vice there. The nation has resorted to allowing very minimal audience in sporting events.

Tournament CEO, Andrea Nelson said that they were hopeful about minimal attendance in the stadiums. “Under the red traffic light setting, we can currently operate in pods of 100. We are taking it week-by-week as we work our way through, but in the first week it is likely there will be some availability at matches,” she said. 

She further added, “Unfortunately, at some venues we will have to cancel existing ticket holders. That's not something we want to do, and we are working really hard to see how many people we can get into the stadiums."

The tournament will kickstart with an open clash between New Zealand and West Indies in Mount Maunganui on the 4th of March.