Submitted by Asheef on
Help RCB Offset Carbon Footprint by pledging your use of renewable energy. Our auditors will reach out to you to confirm your participation.
I take the RCB Green Pledge by agreeing to
  1. Plant a Tree every year
  2. Save and Reuse Water
  3. Turn off lights, fans and laptops as I leave the room
  4. Carry my own bags when I shop
  5. Buy local or seasonal produce, wherever possible
  6. Segregate and recycle my waste
  7. Use both sides of the paper 
  8. Use Electric vehicles and public transport wherever possible
  9. Donate and recycle old clothes
  10. Volunteer for my Mother Earth once a year

By taking this pledge, I take my rightful place as a part of the RCB Green Army!

Royal Challengers Bangalore-Green Army Pledge

Do you pledge to contribute your carbon savings from using Solar Water Heaters
Do you pledge to contribute your carbon savings from using Electric Vehicles?
Do you consent to a follow up call to verify the details provided by you in this pledge?