Submitted by Asheef on


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Country where company is registered
Do you have an office in India?
Upload requirements
Interested to Pitch for
Technology for Innovation
Fan Engagement through Digital Member Channels
Content – Creators and Businesses
Artificial Intelligence → AI Storytelling
Fan Experience in Stadiums
Cricket and High Performance
Terms And Conditions


Royal Challengers Sports Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “RCSPL”, “We”, “Our”, “Us”) is planning a tech event
(“Activity”) from July 2024 to September 2024 (“Activity Period”) wherein the participant (hereinafter referred to as “You”,
“Your” or “Participant”) has a chance to pitch for a work opportunity with RCSPL subject to the following terms and
conditions (“Terms and Conditions”):
1. These Terms and Conditions constitute an electronic record in terms of Information Technology Act, 2000, the rules
made thereunder, and all other applicable laws as amended from time to time. It is clarified that this electronic record is
generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.
2. By participating in this Activity, You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
including any modifications, alterations or updates that We make. If You are not agreeable to these Terms and Conditions
or these policies, please do not participate in this Activity.
3. Details of the Activity:
a) Applicability:
i. The Activity would require company or its representatives to be in India
ii. This is a limited period Activity. You must complete the entry process on or before the end of Activity Period.
RCSPL will not accept any entries after the Activity Period ends.
b) Participant Eligibility:
i. The Participant can be an individual or a legal entity (company, partnership firm, proprietorship) duly
registered in India.
ii. Participant must have relevant experience and expertise in the category for which they are pitching.
iii. Where applicable, Participant must be SOC-2 compliant
iv. Participant must not be under any legal or regulatory restrictions that would prevent them from fulfilling the
requirements of this invitation to pitch.
v. The Participant warrants that they fulfils the eligibility criteria as laid down under these Terms and Conditions
and other relevant communication shared by RCSPL. All entries in this Activity will be automatically
disqualified without notice if the Participant does not fulfil any of the above criteria and/or does not follow
the entry process laid down below.
c) Entry Process:
i. The Participant must register for the Activity and fill up the online participation form available on the RCB
ii. The pitch should be submitted under one of the categories mentioned by RCSPL on its website/app.
iii. Pitch should include:
1. A comprehensive proposal outlining the approach, methodology, and deliverables.
2. Other relevant documentation including but not limited to its portfolio, recommended product/service
note in detail and an indicative business plan etc.
3. Case studies or examples of similar past work.
4. A detailed budget and timeline.
5. Team profiles and relevant expertise.
6. Any additional information as specified in the invitation to pitch.
iv. Submissions must be sent electronically to the designated email address or via the specified submission
v. We may also request for more information or additional documents at any time and the same shall be shared
by the Participant within the timelines specified.
vi. Phase-wise plan:

1. Phase 1: Initial Pitch to be submitted by Participants (virtually) within the Activity Date.
2. Phase 2: During or after the Activity Date, shortlisted Participants will be invited for an in-
person or virtual presentation to be organized at such date and time as communicated by RCSPL in advance. RCSPL reserves the right to change the date and shall notify the shortlisted
Participant about the same.

d) Misc.:
i. RCSPL reserves the sole discretion to decide the mode (virtual or in-person) of the Activity. In the case that
the Activity is held in person, RCSPL has the sole discretion in deciding the venue and RCSPL is not responsible
for any costs that the Participants are to bear (eg. Stay, travel, time invested, etc.) for the same.
ii. RCSPL may contact the Participant through the phone number and email id provided by the Participant at the
time of registration.
iii. No consideration (monetary or otherwise) is payable by RCSPL to Participants for participating in this Activity.
iv. Participants understand and agree that submission of registration to enter Activity or being shortlisted for the
Activity does not indicate any formal agreement with RCSPL or does not create any binding obligation on
RCSPL to engage Your services.
v. RCSPL shall not be responsible for any loss, injury or any other liability arising due to participation by any
Participant in the Activity.
vi. RCSPL reserves the right to reject any or all pitches without providing any reason.
vii. RCSPL is not obligated to provide feedback on unsuccessful pitches.
e) Winners:
i. RCSPL, at its sole discretion, may offer strategic business partnership opportunities to one or more shortlisted
Participant with successful pitches (“Winner”).
ii. RCSPL reserves the right of selection of the Winners and such selection shall be as per the procedure and
criteria adopted at RCSPL’s sole discretion. RCSPL’s decision in this regard shall be final and shall be binding
on all Participants.
iii. RCSPL is not responsible for failure to contact the Winner, for reasons beyond its control. In the event that
the Winner does not (a) acknowledge or respond to RCSPL’s email; or (b) provide the information requested
by RCSPL, within the stated timelines, the Winner shall be considered to have forfeited the opportunity and
RCSPL shall have the right to pick another Winner.

4. You warrant that (a) You are the sole owner of any and all materials submitted by You as part of the Activity including but
not limited to all details mentioned on the entry form and the pitch material (“Material”); (b) You have obtained all
necessary consents, if any, before submitting the Material and (c) neither the Material nor its exploitation by RCSPL or its
affiliates will infringe any rights of any third party.
5. You acknowledge that RCSPL may already be exploring or developing ideas, concepts, or technologies similar to the
content you submitted for this Activity, either internally or through third-party collaborations. You expressly agree that
RCSPL's exploration or development of similar ideas, concepts, or technologies, whether independently or in
collaboration with third parties, does not constitute IP infringement, provided RCSPL does not use your proprietary
6. RCSPL collects Participants' personal information (such as name, mobile number, email id, age, address, signature etc.) in
order to conduct the Activity, for communicating with the Participants, for retargeting, for promotional or other
purposes. Additionally, photographs and videos of Participants may be recorded and used as mentioned below. By
participating in the Activity, each Participant: (i) consents that RCSPL and/or its affiliates may use this information and/or
disclose it to other organisations that may use it, in any media for future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes
without any further reference, payment or other compensation to the Participant. Participants' personal information
may be disclosed to government authorities, and winners' names may be published, and (ii) consents to processing and
management of their personal information in accordance with Our Privacy Policy. A request to access, update or correct
any information should be directed to or raised through this webform.
7. RCSPL reserves the right to take photographs or videos of the Participants. By participating in this Activity, You expressly
agree and acknowledge that RCSPL may publish these photographs or videos in any media and may also use this
commercially. RCSPL shall not be liable to pay any royalty/fees/compensation and the like to the Winner for using the
photographs, videos and/or any other media coverage as may be deemed proper by RCSPL.
8. RCSPL reserves the right to disqualify any Participant and/or winner who (a) fails to comply with these Terms and
Conditions; or (b) tampers with the entry process; or (c) submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and
Conditions or (d) has, in the opinion of RCSPL, engaged in conduct in entering or participating in the Activity which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the Activity and/or RCSPL; or (e)
has been convicted of a criminal offence or who have a criminal court case pending; or (f) promotes this Activity through
unsolicited commercial e-mail and/or multiple postings; or (g) for any other reason it deems necessary.
9. RCSPL reserves the right to change any details of the Activity, including but not limited to amending these Terms and
Conditions, the eligibility and entry process, of Activity without any prior written notice to You. RCSPL reserves the right
to amend, temporarily suspend or withdraw the Activity without any prior written notice to You, provided that RCSPL will
not exercise this right unreasonably.
10. The Activity is subject to force majeure events and on occurrence of such an event, the Activity may be withdrawn or
suspended at the sole discretion of RCSPL and RCSPL shall not be liable for damages under any circumstances. For the
purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a force majeure event shall mean any event beyond RCSPL’s reasonable control,
including but not limited to, act of God, insurrection or civil disorder, religious strife, war or military operations, terrorist
act, partial or total strikes, either internal or external, lock-out, epidemic/ pandemic (including but not limited to any
virus outbreaks such as the Covid-19 pandemic and any known and subsequent strains thereof), blockage of means of
transport or of supplies, national or local emergency, earthquake, fire, storm, flood, water damage, governmental,
regulatory or legal restrictions, acts or omissions of persons for whom RCSPL is not responsible.
11. Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless RCSPL, its agencies and its affiliates, and judges, if any, of the Activity
against any and all liability, damages or causes of action (however named or described) with respect to or arising out of:
(i) Participant's participation in the Activity; (ii)) violation of terms of this Terms and Conditions by You; (iii) violation of
applicable laws; (iv) breach of any warranty made as a part of this Activity; and/or (v) infringement of any third party
intellectual property or other proprietary rights. Participants hereby release, waive and discharge any and all claims of
damage, loss or causes of action (including negligence) including but not limited to loss or damage to person or property
which the Participant and his/her representatives or assignees may have, suffer or which may hereinafter accrue to the
Participant or as a result of the Participant's participation in the Activity.
12. The Participant(s) acknowledge and agree that the decisions of RCSPL with respect to all aspects of the Activity are final
in nature and RCSPL is not liable to entertain any feedback and/or contentions vis-à-vis the Activity.
13. RCSPL shall not be held responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever for:
(i) any lost, illegible, falsified, delayed, altered, incomplete, tampered or destroyed entries. All such entries shall
be void and may be disqualified by RCSPL at any time;
(ii) incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry information, technical malfunctions, human or technical error, lost
delayed or garbled data or transmissions, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defect or failures of any telephone
or computer lines or networks, computer equipment, software or any combination thereof;
(iii) any problems, errors, or negligence that may arise or occur in connection with this Activity, including but not
limited to, any damage to the Participant's computer or other technical device, or software, as a result of the
Participant's participation in this Activity;
(iv) any failure or breach by any party in connection with this Activity. RCSPL accepts no responsibility for any loss
suffered by a Participant arising from this Activity.

14. RCSPL hereby excludes and disclaims all liabilities, whether direct or indirect, that may arise due to or in connection
with the Activity.
15. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by any Court having competent jurisdiction, the
invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and
effect. Failure by RCSPL to enforce any of its right at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
16. Indian laws shall be exclusively applicable to disputes arising out of or in connection with the Activity or these Terms
and Conditions. The Courts at Bengaluru shall have sole jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of or in
connection with this Activity.