Nothing Succeeds Like Repeat
Why Consistency is Key for Home Workouts
The popularity of home workouts has been on the rise ever since gyms and fitness studios became inaccessible during the pandemic. While they continue to offer us flexibility and convenience, they demand something from us in return: consistency. More than anything else, it is consistency that determines the odds of success with home workouts. Here are a handful of consistency factors to keep in mind.
Only the Consistent Change
It's easy to get excited about a new workout routine. But it's essential to stay committed to it over the long term. Consistency in what builds strength and improves endurance. Consistency is what brings about the change you want to see in the mirror.
Only Routine gets Results
The first thing to do is establish a routine. Pick a time of day to workout and stick to it. If you're a morning person, make sure you start your day with a workout session. If you prefer to workout in the evening, be there at a specific time each evening. A routine makes it harder for you to miss sessions. Also, you will be surprised to learn just how fast a routine gets you past the milestones you have in mind.
Only Real Goals get Reached
If you want to maintain consistency in your routine, set realistic goals. Don’t aim for an overnight transformation. Achievable, incremental goals keep you motivated and, therefore, keep you going. If you're new to working out, aim to exercise for 30 minutes a day, three times a week. Get comfortable with your routine. Then increase the duration and frequency of your workouts. Go slow, and you will go further than you think you can.
Only the Mixed get Matched
To match your expectations from home workouts, you have to mix it up. Nothing gets boring quite as fast as four days of the same thing. Try new exercises. Go for workouts aimed at different things. Use different equipment. Keep your workouts fresh and exciting, and you will be more likely to stick with the overall plan over the long term.
The consistent you
And there you have it: the key things to keep in mind when it comes to maintaining consistency in home workouts. A regular routine, realistic goals, and a mixed bag of workouts: these are the very features Hustle by RCB is built on. So get on Hustle. Get hold of the consistent you. Control the shape of things to come.